I Miss You
posted on: 2003-07-23 @ 12:15 p.m.
Woken up this morning with a txt from Annie, am seeing her tomorrow. I suppose we could have gone out today but I have to work at 5 and I dont really feel like going out into the outside world. I'd rather sit in my little bubble and watch movies and go on the internet. Antisocial or what? Tee Hee

Shantel has just left me a voice mail, she needs help with the coursework. It was good just to hear her voice again. I have missed my friends, having had no contact with them for two weeks coz my poxy phone wont work abroad, Grrrrrrrrr

Well today I find out the changes at work and get to see how much I got paid and if I havent got my overtime then Im going to be slightly annoyed. I might txt Amelia because I now feel like going out tonight :0)

Yay! Am going out to Pizza hut with Amelia tonight to catch up on all the gossip and stuff. She is meeting me straight after work so at least I will have something to look forward to if work is really bad. I still havent moved from this computer screen, am sorting things out on my diary and joining some more DiaryRings. I shall have to leave for work in about three hours so I suppose I better get going.

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