cant even be bothered with capital letters
posted on: 2003-11-20 @ 11:19 a.m.
not such a good day today. i planned to go into the college library early to get some work done, then on to english. hmmm... woke up late. have you ever just looked at your wardrobe and thought no i hate all my clothes. i hate all my clothes, grrrr....... sigh. on top of that my dad is attempting to do d.i.y, not good. and we have builders outside doing somrthing to the pavement in font of our house. not in a very good mood today although i was yesterday.

yesterday i had my very first driving lesson and it was really cool. my instructor rose is lovely and i had a little drive. nearly drove into a van but anyways. its really good going into work and seeing himself there, he left a little note saying i love you in my locker yesterday :0)

blahry, changing moods. i feel like going into my room throwing all my clothes away, going out and buying a whole new wardrobe. sigh. i am a soppy date.

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