yesterdays and today
posted on: 2002-11-11 @ 3:00 p.m.
On Thursday me and Alex went out all arguements forgotten :0) I went round his house. Friday was bloody busy. I had seven straight hours of college but did get to watch Nightmare on Elm Street in film, yay :0)

I then went to work and didnt get out till bloody 10pm, blah so sharon and trev from work gave me a lift to MucisTek. I walked in and bloody lee was being sick all over the carpet (yuck wot a lovely greeting!) Anyway then Alex took him home and I started drinking :0) It was a well good night. We out of their at about two and had fun on the stairs, lol private joke dont ask! Walked to the bus stop but we were too late for the buses so Alex's sister Anna gave us a lift home; her drivings well mad.

I slept round Al's and Saturday we started the moving out process, all stuff packed into boxes, my room is now completely empty, scary. After that fell asleep.

On Sunday I had to get up early and go to work. It was actually alright except for one moany customer but sorted her out and she apologised, but didnt get out until 5 and im meant to finish at 4, blah. Oh Yeah! The week off i asked boss for is fine so i absolutely cant wait until the 25th, a whole week off work, bliss! Alex went to lakeside that day and then came and knocked for me after and he gave me a rose :0) Hes sooooo lovely. We watched Romeo and Juliet in my empty room and then listened to radio.

Anyways, today had film studies and English. I got my essay back from film and got a well good mark and im so pleased, thats the only lesson i care about. I have got Parents Evening on Thursday but the film studies teachers arent going to be there so i dont really see the point of going but my Mum wants to so i suppose I will have to. God knows what the other teachers will say about me.

Shantel werent in film studies, dont know why, she phoned in sick. She saw a special preview of Harry Potter yesterday, lucky person; I cant wait till I get to see it, only 4 more days :0) Only had an hour of English because all the teachers at Barking decided to have a meeting today for some reason so im @ home now. I have to go to work at 5pm though, blah n bolx. This has been a really boring catch up entry. Am now listening to Eminem.

Me, amelia and Theresa spent our English lesson being pissed off with these two girls, they're just really annoying, they come out with the stupidest things about Romeo and Juliet and think that they're the cleverest in the class while everyone else is laughing at their stupidity. I try not to be mean but I just cant help it they deserve it. They are always really horrible to this boy in our English class: Zahid and he's really sweet and nice to everybody, Theres life for you.

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